Monday, January 25, 2010


To put it mildly, I've been having a rough couple of days.  I wont get into it all, but trust me...I am not the person I want to be the past few days. 

Then, I opened my devotional and read this...

"We are Christ's ambassadors.God is using us to speak to you; we beg you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, receive the love he offers you-be reconciled to God." 
2 Corinthians 5:20

In light of my last post, my announcement that we have been asked to be the March of Dimes Ambassador in our area this year, I am a bit more than ashamed that I have had the attitude that I have had.  But gosh it's just so hard sometimes.

Abba Father,
Please help me be more beautiful in your eyes through not only my actions but my thoughts and REactions to things around me.  Let your light shine through me.  Help me through the next few days and the challenges that I am facing.  Your will be done in all things.


Gottjoy! said...

I had a rough weekend, also. But what a beautiful, heartfelt prayer you lifted up to the Lord!

Hope your week goes better, Mattie.

Anonymous said...

I know this feeling all too well...I don't like the person I have acted like in some situations. Please pray for me and I will pray for you. *hugs*

Heather said...

I understand what you are saying - I have been there so many times. I think it's only natural sometimes...

Leda said...

I am giving you an award.