Wednesday, October 20, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 20

This month.


This month has flown by!  There is so many heartfelt things I want to post, but I did commit to this 30 day posting challenge and here I am!  I will finish this!  And while I may not post everyday in November, I will hopefully take the time to post when I need to.  I know this blog has been very theraputic for me and there is lots of stuff going on.  Don't worry, the rainbow is doing fine, but just lots of other stuff.

Work has been crazy this month!  Even with a week of fall break, it seems that I am more tired than ever and the tasks at work keep stacking up. I don't know how long it has been since I have seen the top of my desk!

October 15th and the service we had at church took a lot of time, prep work, and advertising.  And I am speaking at a banquet tomorrow night.  My birthday was this week and my brother came in.

This weekend, I have been notified of two more mothers who now have babies in Heaven.  One was a 5 month old who passed away Saturday from SIDS.  Another went to Heaven at 38 weeks gestation.  People are contacting me, wanting to know how to be there for their friends and passing along my contact info.

All in all...I'm busy and I'm tired. 

I have to say the best part of this month was seeing the great ultrasound and hitting the 2nd trimester!  Wow!  Where did that three months go?

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