Thursday, October 28, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge- Day 28

Something I miss...

Being niave.  Being so blissfully happy during pregnancy that I could burst and only momentarily thinking of the "what-ifs".  The feeling that even though I know bad things happen, they aren't really that common and really, with no family history, it could never happen to me.  That was how I felt in my first two pregnancies.  This one is SO different.  It's not like I let the fear and worry consume every minute of the pregnancy, but they are things that are on my mind everyday and nervousness that creeps in before every appointment and while the doppler is waving around on my tummy before we hear that beautiful sound of a strong heartbeat. I don't know how to say it except to say it is SO different.


Amanda said...

Exactly..I am scared to death to get pregnant again because it is not the positive, blissful event that it used to be..Praying for positive thoughts for you. Easier said then done I'm sure..

Kristi said...

You hit the nail on the head with this post! O how I miss the niaveness of "before". And I am with you AHB, I am so afraid to get pregnant again, but I long for more children!

Anonymous said...

I hate that their is a whole community of us who will never again view pregnancy as a blissful happy time.