Friday, October 1, 2010

30 Day Blog Challenge-Day One

I always try to "meet" anyone who comments or starts following my blog and recently Jessie left a really sweet comment and I hopped over to her blog.  Jessie is doing a 30 day blog challenge and I thought about doing it as well.  I have been kind of absent from the blog world lately and thought this might help me get back into it...but I wasn't sold on the idea yet.  I scrolled down through the days and noticed what the 18th was..."Your Favorite Birthday"...well...the 18th of this month is actually my birthday.  And I thought it would be a great way to celebrate my blogging birthday!  So the decision was made to try this blog challenge.  I don't think I have ever posted everyday for a month and October is turning out to be a pretty busy month, but I'm still going to try it!  Join me, wont you?

30 Day Blog Challenge

Day 01 – Introduce yourself

Day 02 – Your first love

Day 03 – Your parents

Day 04 – What you ate today

Day 05 – Your definition of love

Day 06 – Your day

Day 07 – Your best friend

Day 08 – A moment

Day 09 – Your beliefs

Day 10 – What you wore today

Day 11 – Your siblings

Day 12 – What’s in your bag

Day 13 – This week

Day 14 – What you wore today

Day 15 – Your dreams

Day 16 – Your first kiss

Day 17 – Your favorite memory

Day 18 – Your favorite birthday

Day 19 – Something you regret

Day 20 – This month

Day 21 – Another moment

Day 22 – Something that upsets you

Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better

Day 24 – Something that makes you cry

Day 25 – A first

Day 26 – Your fears

Day 27 – Your favorite place

Day 28 – Something that you miss

Day 29 – Your aspirations

Day 30 – One last moment

So day one agenda is to introduce myself.  I'm going to keep it brief, but try to get as much in as I can. 

I was born and raised in rural south central Kentucky and I love the beautiful foothills of the Appalachians and the amazing lake that surround the area in which I live.  I accepted Christ at an early age and I love Jesus!  I have an older brother, a younger brother and I had a half sister who passed away four years ago this week.  I have a degree in Social Work and my LSW and I love helping others and finding resources.  I love kids.  I met my husband on Valentines Day and married on New Years Eve of the next year.  This year will be our 5th anniversary!  We have a 3 1/2 year old son and our beautiful daughter was stillborn September 2, 2009.  I am pregnant with our rainbow baby and am due before Easter.  I love my family, reading, being surrounded by those I love and music.  I also love crafting, sewing, scrapbooking and photography.  My passion is helping others through the loss of a child and preparing care packages for the local hospital for parents who experience stillbirth.  I have been asked to speak at various venues to raise awareness and support for pregnancy and infant loss and feel blessed to have such a loving God who never ceases to amaze me with His grace and compassion.


Alissa said...

I love the idea! And may try it myself. Thank you for your little bio. I appreciate knowing you better.

Maggie said...

I love this idea! I am doing this too, but with some different questions I saw from someone else. :) Nice to know a few more things about you!