Thursday, July 1, 2010

Angie's Book

I know many of you are familiar with Angie Smith and the story of her precious Audrey.  If you aren't you really need to go check out her blog.  I would give you a summary of who she is, but it would not do her or the love she has for God any justice in my own words.  Just trust me.

Anyway.  I was blessed enough to win a giveaway that Kelly at Sufficient Grace Ministries was doing of Angie's book, I Will Carry You!  Which is really amazing, because I was getting ready to order my own when I found out I won.  So now, I still plan on buying one, but giving it as a gift.

I won this book some time ago, but just started reading it last week.  (I do book reviews for publishing companies and I had a few due before I could get to a book strictly for enjoyment). 

All I can say is WOW.  Their story.  Their faith.  Their love for their children.  It all was beautiful and breathtaking.  The thing that struck me the most was her love for the Lord.  She so eloquently writes about the balance of grief and love and joy.  All the contradictions parent who experience loss live with each day.  Her honesty was refreshing.  Let's not sugar-coat it people.  This is awful, but you know what, it all goes back to Him.  We don't have to have the answers and that's OK.  The way she relates to scripture and all the amazing ways she loves her daughter are inspirational.

I highly recommend this book!

I read through it quickly, but I want to read through it again and study what she says.  Her reflection of the story of Lazarus and Mary and Martha and the loss of her daughter really just moved me so much. 

Angie and her family just welcomed their fifth child, Charlotte and I couldn't be happier for them.  Please keep them in your prayers as they live out their lives as great examples and as honest, real, people who really love the Lord.


Katy Larsen said...

I loved it and highly rcommend it as well. Beautifully and heartfully writen.

Lisette said...

I loved this book!!!! Our stories are so similiar, I think she is my soul mate. I recommend this book as well. Angie is amazing.

Jill said...

I am almost finished with her book. I have had it since it was released, but waited for a quiet few days to read. It is such a touching, heartfelt book.

Anonymous said...

I have been wanting to grab a copy of this. :)

Holly said...

I love her book and I love how she talks of Lazarus too. I really liked that part and had never really thought of some things that she mentions.