Friday, April 27, 2012


I'm joining in with Five Minute Friday and writing about community.  Five Minute Friday is when we write and not worry about it being right.


Three years ago I could have never imagined what this community would mean to me.  The community of loss bloggers.  Mothers who have all experienced some kind of loss.  Miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal loss.  Loss of a baby.  I never thought I would be a part of this community.  But just two and a half years ago I joined in.  This is not a community I joined by choice, but I am so glad I found the community of women who write about their loss.  Share their loss and help carry the burdens of others in this community.

These women are AMAZING, loving, creative women who are strong beyond what they think, more generous then they know and more inspiring than they mean to be I'm sure.

This community of loss mothers (also known as Baby Loss Mamas) have surrounded me during and after my first loss, my second loss and my failed adoption.  These women have prayed for me, sent me cards and a few of us have even met in person.

Angie Smith and a few of the loss bloggers and friends of Sufficient Grace Ministries in April 2011.

This community is not one that any one really wants to join, but I am so glad these women were here.  They have meant so much to me in the past two and a half years!


Anonymous said...

It truly is a blessing to look into the eyes of someone who understands because they walked the road before you. What a gift and a beautiful voice of healing that comes in the loving arms of community. Nice to meet you through FMF.

Lori said...

Yes! Grateful!!!!

BumbersBumblings said...

What a beautiful group! So glad you have them!

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Love you, my beautiful monkey-friend. =)

Holly said...

i love you Mattie!! so thankful for this community too!