For our first week of school, we studied THE first week! Here is a little peek into what some of our week was like!
To start each days lesson, we did a little craft inspired by what I found here. These are Ethan’s days…
Ethan wanted to keep all the days together, so we interlocked paperclips together and hung all the “days” up on the refurbished wardrobe I just finished. We weren’t finished when this photo was taken, but you can see the progress.
By the way, I LOVE this wardrobe. My mother bought this for me when I was a little girl, but due to the way the door to my bedroom was positioned in the hallway, we never could fit it in my room. My mother found alternate locations for it over the years, but I recently begged was given the wardrobe for the classroom. I wish I had taken a before shot (I know, I know, bad blogger!). But trust me, it was an old dark wood veneer and it had visually seen it’s better days. The two long doors had mirrors in them, as did where the clock is hanging now. I painted the whole thing, replaced one door with a chalkboard and covered the other with fabric. I covered ever other drawer with modge po.dge and fabric. The handles and hinges were spray painted and I purchased some new handles for the doors at hobby lo.bby. It is the future home of all my scrapbooking gear and some school supplies.
On day two, we made cloud dough (another pinterest find). He loves it and still plays with it. And, just if you’re wondering, it vacuums out of carpet nicely :-/
To make cloud dough, we just mixed 4 cups flour with 1 cup baby oil. It’s soft to the touch, but moldable and forms well. Be warned, the baby oil adds a nice fragrance…as long as you like baby oil smell. My husband does not like it at all, so he won’t be sharing in this sensory activity with the kiddo. I love the baby smell, so I joined in the fun.
Wednesday turned out to be school in pajamas day and I don’t regret that one bit. Even if it makes getting dressed on Friday a little harder at first…
I love that we were studying God’s creation and one day we had the opportunity to catch and observe a tiny baby swift that had made it’s way into our porch.
Of course our week was filled with activities from all subjects, but it’s kind of hard to photo-document everything while teaching/supervising.
On the last day of the week we shared a muffin tin snack to help us remember the days of creation.
Our muffin tin snack was inspired be this blog post and turned into our own little creation. I found the chart above the muffin tin here.
For day one, we used chocolate/vanilla pudding (darkness/light).
Day two (the sky) was formed with blue jell.o and whipping cream.
Day three (trees, plants, seeds) was represented by “dirt pudding”.
Day four (sun, moon, stars) was represented by mild cheddar cheese I cut into the shape of a crescent moon and a star.
Day five (fish and birds) was filled with Goldfish crackers.
Day six (animals and people) was filled with animal crackers.
Ethan loved this visual and talked about it for days!
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